Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sir Winston Branchill, perhapsÇ

HEY HEY HEY¡ we:re shaking things up on the blog o clara¡ I am not her, for one thing, and i;m waving her very nice shiny computer around, for another. I happen to be one of her famous blogged-about housemates. whatever she says about me is a lie. Never trust anyone who configures their keyboard to Spanish language¡ these¡ things¡ are¡ all¡ upside¡ down¡ WTFÇ¡ and that, after the F, was supposed to be a question mark, but came out as a French c to excuse my French and pay tribute to her instrument. ok, sorry for going on and on (and i could because this is extremely annoying).

I set out only to ask a question. You see Clara here let me post on her blogthing here because i wanted her to ask her reader-friends to name our tree and she instead suggested that i do it (I think because she secretly hates how her keyboard is configured but wants the whole Mexican experience, annoyance and all). Soo on to the abovementioned tree¡ it is a very large and happy tree, slouching in the corner of our living room. if it ever fixes its posture there is no telling how tall it will be. for now, at 12 feet, at would make a formidable xmas tree but, alas, it is not of the needle-y sort and does not believe in holidays. I;m afraid i have no idea what kind of tree it is, but it has many many leaves and is green, if that helps with the naming process. and branches. Get Naming¡ thank you for your time. Carlos de Contrabajo¡


Anonymous said...

Fred? Namastree (the tree within me honors the tree within you)
OR how about Tree Ho? I hear there is a horn ho thing going on down there. 12 feet? Maybe the name should be something about the size--no not Big Tree. Do we get a prize if you choose our suggestion?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

fine, be that way.

Kamp said...

An appropriate name for a hunch-backed, deciduous xmas tree for a mixed gender house filled with musicians? That's easy.


Anonymous said...

Hey, How about Alejandro. Thats my horns name and everyone seems to like it!