Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Clincher

I've been vacillating between two very enticing Democratic candidates for awhile, leaning towards one lately, and now, after reading this, I've definitely made my decision and gone the way of my leaning.

So there, I'm done vacillating.


RG said...

So that means you're supporting Hillary, because she's the most qualified, right?

Anonymous said...

you better go vote on my blog! I was disappointed to see Edwards leave the race, as I found corporate america's reaction to him interesting. I'd be happy with either of the two left standing, though Clinton worries me b/c Bill let the economy run the show and thus didn't push his social agenda, and Obama worries me because he seems to have let his attacks define him. I think that's why he's talking about religion so much-to point out that he's not a muslim terrorist

Anonymous said...

Hey! You need to update to update your 'Amigos' section. You have to add CWM and update the links for Philly and New York...
Thanks for the e-have been super busy (for me)and will write soon. Work is shit. :-) Take care