Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dear Blog,

Sorry I've been neglecting you. I just need to get my priorities straight lately, and you know that you can't come first. It doesn't mean I don't care. But if I get the things I need to get done, and keep up my new disciplined habits of practicing, and stop wasting so much darn time on the Internet, we both know you and I will end up better off. I know I have left you out of a lot of great stories, rants, inquiries, and ramblings, and really I have lost a lot along the way too. But it is for the best. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to attend to you soon, whether it be about the northern woods, bridesmaid-excursions, beautiful weddings, adventures on "Plum Island," or that crazy-named place with an "x" in it.

Love, C de C

P.S. If it would be OK with you, I'd like to allow some guest bloggers to contribute, if they're interested, in the meantime. I know it won't be the same, but perhaps it can hold you over.

(Anyone want to guest blog?!?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The down-side to technology, computers and being online is that they suck up a lot of time and energy, which could be better-spent actually doing things in the REAL WORLD.

It is a conundrum, for sure. It's hard to make a balance, but it's a worthwhile goal.

I do look forward to your future blog postings when you find the time.