Tuesday, August 29, 2006

3 am Post

I guess every blog needs one now and again. Most people probably start blogs at 3 am, in a bout of insomnia, when they have recieved no new emails, instant messages, Skype voicemails or Facebook wall posts since they went to sleep.

It's true, I haven't been getting to bed much before 2 am in the last 5 days, but the thing is, I actually WAS asleep, and then I woke up again. And this time I really do have to get up for work tomorrow morning, so I'm particularly annoyed.

I used to be a freakishly heavy sleeper. I once fell asleep with eight people in my dorm room, none of them trying in any way to be quiet. Any plane, train or automobile in any bizarre position was no problem for me. I could handle any friend's couch, or floor, or car! What's happening?? Am I losing my knack?

And life is pretty darn sweet lately, so it's not stress-related. I was feeling a post coming on about how grateful I am- for my job, my friends here and elsewhere, my family, my past accomplisments and my future possiblities; my ability to enjoy the present. I'm the least stressed out I've been since 6th grade, and I guess also the most well-rested...

The thing is, now that I'm up, I almost don't want to go back to sleep. It's the only time I've been awake in my house without sweating since I've returned "home."

¡Buenas noches!

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