Tuesday, October 03, 2006

OK, fine.

I've gotten a little flack for not updating my blog lately. I'm choosing to respond with a post about all those things you blog about when you don't have a million things happening in your life, rather than blogging about the millions of things that are happening in my life. So there.

1) Go Twins. This is the best stage of this process because I can root for Joe Mauer AND Derek Jeter. I know that's a bit un-Minnesotan because we don't really want to play the Yankees, but those ojos...sigh.

2) iPod on shuffle is amazing. It's just such a kick to be listening to Cumbia and then have it segue to Wagner which segues to Alison Krauss. Maybe it will get old eventually, but it hasn't yet. Also, the few days before I saw Cake live (by the way, I saw Cake live!!!!!) it knew to play a Cake song every 5 or so- what is that about?

3) I had a dream about an ex-boyfriend I haven't thought about in ages last night. Where do those random dreams come from?!?

4) Today my best English student stayed after and asked me to help her with her assignment for English class at her school- 6 proverb type phrases. My examples were: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; The early bird gets the worm; Nice guys finish last; Don't look a gift horse in the mouth; There are other fish in the sea; and Don't count your chickens before they hatch. What would yours be? And why do mine all reference animals (yes, guys are animals, especially nice guys)?

There. Now I don't have to talk about my grandparents growing older, my roommate moving out and me trying to find another living situation, my car breaking down, my bus arriving to Merida an hour and a half late last night, making me run in breathless and teach a lesson on gerunds with completely no preparation, the person I spend the most time with in Merida moving away a few days ago, how I'm kinda homesick, and how broke I am.

OR about how I had a fantastic visit home, heard some great music played by a great orchestra, my best friend who I've known for almost twenty years and still just adore, watching my admirable mother handle the situation with her parents gracefully, tactfully, and lovingly, going to a really fun baseball game with my dad, a very productive, educational rehearsal with a Bulgarian trombonist who I am lucky enough to have as a colleague, making my first opportunity to play a concerto with an actual ensemble happen, and how there were actually some things I missed a lot about this place I now call home.

I'm pretty sneaky, huh?


Anonymous said...

hey I didn't know you were a Cake fan too!?! I want to see them live...we'll see when they come to Europe again. If you find out the answer to dreams about people you haven't thought about in years, let me know, happens to me too! ;)

Davis Erin Anderson said...

p.s. Nice to have you back!

L. said...

That will do. Yes, defitely, that will do. :-)