Monday, November 20, 2006

Dear You knOw who you Are,

(Reader Warning: this is a rant.)

Since our love affair began two years ago, I have been committed to you. I took a big risk asking you out, but luckily you said yes right off the bat. I basically fell in love with you. But there comes a point where you just have to put your self-worth above your infatuations.

It's true, you are fantastically great. You have taken me all over the world. You have paid for a lot of amazing meals, parties until the wee hours. You have introduced me to loads of amazing people, many of them famous and world-renowned musicians, or soon to be. You have helped me improve my Spanish and exposed me to many cultures and perspectives. You have given me adventure. You have opened a multitude of doors for me, including leading me to the job I have now.

But this summer you started jerking me around. At first I was willing to bend over backwards for you, willing to be the bigger person. By the end, I was fed up with how you were treating me. By the end, I was starting to think- I deserve better than this.

And now, I find out you don't want me back. I find out you were going behind my back, noodling with less gutsy people, those that will continue to take your poor treatment, lack of respect, unprofessionalism, and messed up vision.

Well, you know what? I'm better off without you. It's true, I could go crawling back. I could beg for your forgiveness and probably, in the end, you would invite me along for another summer of exotic experiences. But this time, I choose to move on and stand up a little taller for it. If you can't see a good catch when it falls into your lap, you don't deserve her.

I wish you all the best.

C de C


RG said...

It's okay. My friend MH hated this guy too. She was ready to dump him in the middle of the relationship, when he needed her the most, and find her own flight home from Italy.

Besides, if you're going to date during the summer, find a guy in Lenox or Switzerland or Santa Barbara or Japan. You'll get treated better.

Anonymous said...


I stumbled upon your blog through an internet search, trying to see what was happening with the offending party next summer after also not being invited back. Apparently, they take the 19 year old bass trombone player known as "Captain Steps in Holes" before the kid who held the section together. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it was playing with you, even through all of the travel nightmares and politics. I hope you find some way to celebrate giving Thanks and look me up the next time you venture up to corn country!

Kamp said...

I know just how you feel, C de C. A while back I had an on again off again thing with her. She seemed to dump every other summer but I'll never forget the ones when we were together. Ah, Styrian summer nights...

Over the years we grew apart and went our separate ways but I've been thinking a lot about her lately. I wonder if she remembers me. Maybe I should give her a call again?