Wednesday, November 22, 2006

life is goooooood

Today I...

1. Woke up early by accident, no alarm. I love getting up without an alarm and having time to do everything I always itend to do before I go to work. It happens about once every five months. :)

2. Ate fish tacos and ceviche with some super cool guys.

3. Had someone clean my entire house for the cost of 120 pesos=12 dollars/3 people= 4 dollars. 4 dollars!!

4. Read, wrote some email, took a nap.

5. Went to a yoga class (a somewhat bizarre yoga class, but nevertheless energizing and body-toning.)

6. Got an extra wad of cash to perform Brahms' Fourth Symphony (keeping in mind we were doing it anyway, so this was just an extra performance).

7. Played Brahms'4 with a mediocre orchestra, and a pretty darn good horn section.

8. Had a few beers- cafe owners gave us bruschetta on the house as they do every once in a while.

Tomorrow I will...

1. Wake up early to go play in a mediocre orchestra (OK, so not everything on this list can be dripping with optimism).

2. Make a Spinach Salad and a Raspberry Vinagrette to bring to Thanksgiving dinner.

3. Teach 2 hours of Chamber Music (I am neutral about this particular item, FYI).

4. Bring aforementioned Spinach Salad to aforementioned Thanksgiving dinner. Will recieve in return turkey, pies, mashed potatoes, motza balls, applesauce, beer and who knows what else.

5. Spend the evening with a great group of people. I'm expecting a lot of intelligent comments, engaging conversation, and laughing. Really-the people here are rad.

So, yeah, could be worse, huh?


1 comment:

Pecatonica String Quartet said...

"and who knows what else"

Amen to that. I'm laughing my ass off. What a great life you lead.