Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I should really post.

I'm not having much motivation to write on the ol' blog lately. But then I feel bad. All those avid readers, checking in daily, and day in day out, nothing. It's a bit selfish.

So, what's been going on lately, in no particular order?

I've been out twice with EGS-V (obviously Mexican, otherwise why the 4 initials?) and am very much looking forward to our plans for tomorrow night as well. Although I'm hesitant to call it any certain names prematurely, I'll just say that this time feels different for many reasons, and my "usual" in this area goes nowhere. So we shall see! (This is having this silly smile-y effect on me, in fact, the roomie CM is reminding me to be less perky, but it just isn't sinking in.)

I'm headed to NY in 11 days for an audition for the NWS. The list is coming along nicely and I've had the chance to play it for one musician I much respect, and at least two more practice rounds are on the way. It feels good to have a goal (really the only thing that gets me at all focused in the practice room) and I'm feeling positive. (Now the truth: I just want to go back in time and shake Ravel upside down and scream, "are you sure you want to write that for the first horn in your Piano Concerto in G" until he decides he doesn't want to and then I can come back to the current time and not have to worry about it!) I'm also looking forward to being in NY and seeing a few old friends on the way.

The house is under transition from 66% male to 66% female. Things are going smoothly and I'm hoping we will all be re-accustomed shortly.

Ok, yeah, I'm done. Sorry guys, I'm just not in the mood!

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Yes, I'm one of your "avid readers, checking in daily"! I'm glad that you're doing well rather than not posting because something was wrong.

I'm REALLY bad about regular posting; you're very frequent by comparison!

Best of luck on your NWS audition.